

06 April 2020 Commercial Law Garry Sutherland
With many businesses facing short to medium term cash flow problems due to the current crisis, good credit control practice has never been more important - both to assist with your own cash flow and to make sure that you have done all you can to get outstanding invoices settled by other businesses who are perhaps in trouble. It might be that a letter from a solicitor on your behalf will encourage some of those outstanding invoices to be paid, or perhaps at least for contact to be made about a realistic installment plan that works for both businesses.
03 April 2020 Wills, Trusts & Estates Alan Roughead
Having a will is arguably one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. Without one you have no control over what will happen to your money, possessions and property after you die, often leading to stressful, and also costly, family disputes. Preparing for the future is not a negative action. It is not just in times of crisis that we should think ahead, tomorrow is never promised, so it is important to think of family and make the process as stress free as possible for them, whenever that may be. This can be even more important if you have children or grandchildren, are recently divorced or separated, or have a partner but are not legally married. It’s also important to think about a Will if you own a property or your own business.
02 April 2020 Employment Law Garry Sutherland
Since the Chancellor announced the Corona Virus Job Retention Scheme, it has been universally hailed by most employers and seen as a key measure to ensure that their businesses will survive the current lockdown.   Following the announcement however, many have not read the guidance that has been issued providing (some) details and so are therefore not aware of the limitations. It is really important that employers understand what the scheme is and isn't - and make sure they comply with its rules, as otherwise they could find themselves in a worse position than they would have been without it.
01 April 2020 Property & Estate Agency Macnabs Law
The Scottish Government has released new guidance on moving home in the midst of Coronavirus. In an update to their earlier guidance, buyers and sellers are urged to delay their transactions until the stay-at-home measures have been relaxed. The Scottish Government released a useful frequently asked questions document, which is available for viewing here:

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