

How to make your home more energy efficient and help the UK on its path to net-zero

24 November 2021 Property & Estate Agency Stewart Baillie

With environmental issues a hot topic right now and the role of energy efficient buildings on the path to net-zero a key agenda item for COP26, it is not surprising that homeowners are trying to do what they can to make their property more energy efficient.

Not only does an energy efficient home allow you to do your bit for the environment, it can also make the property more attractive to buyers, with both lower running costs and higher environmental credibility.

You don’t need a huge budget to make your property more energy efficient. Start small by making lifestyle changes and watch your energy consumption. Simple changes such as turning your heating down, only filling the kettle with the water you need, or switching to a lower washing machine setting can have a significant impact on annual bills and investing in an energy monitor will help you to find out.

Other key tips for reducing your carbon footprint and making your home more attractive to buyers include:

  1. Insulate your loft and your roof – according to the Energy Saving Trust, decent loft insulation could give you a saving of between £120 and £225 a year.
  2. Insulate your walls – some energy suppliers and local councils will offer funding for cavity wall insulation.
  3. Fit double glazing and draught-proof your windows.
  4. Upgrade your boiler – gas boilers emit some of the highest carbon emissions. Replacing an old boiler will dramatically reduce your home’s carbon emission as well as cutting your bills. Heat pumps have also been in the news recently as a possible option in the move away from gas boilers.
  5. Install solar panels – solar panels enable you to generate some of your own heat or power so you’ll save money on your electricity bills, and properties with solar panels fitted can often command a premium price.
  6. Hang thick curtains and insulate your doors to prevent heat escaping and make your home much warmer.
  7. Use a water-saving showerhead – although showers are better for the environment than baths, they can still be wasting energy.
  8. Compare your energy providers and switch to a better energy tariff.

As Sir David Attenborough says “It’s surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth”. The sooner you start making changes, the greater the savings will be and if you are thinking about moving home and putting your property on the market, an energy efficient home with a high EPC rating can be very attractive to buyers.

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