

Facing your regulatory body

26 May 2021 Litigation Jane McNicol

In these unprecedented times, everyone is working under so much more pressure than they were before. These are challenging circumstances for everyone, and no-one more so than those working in the medical profession. As heartening as it may have been to see the population standing in the street, ringing bells and banging drums for the NHS, it didn’t make the job any easier.

But what the people at home might often overlook, is that it didn’t need a pandemic to make the job hard. Working in the medical, health or social care professions can often be stressful at the best of times with long hours and tense situations coupled with a real desire to do good. We know that people tend to go into these professions because they really care about people and about upholding the values of their institutions and maintaining the confidence and trust of everyone who uses these services. And so, when something goes wrong, the emotional impact can be intense.

We appreciate how hard people in these industries work. And when your own governing body suggests you’ve made a mistake, and submits you to a regulatory investigation, it can be hard to know where to turn. When the very body that is meant to protect you, the very organisation whose rules and codes you uphold, is the one who is questioning your ability, then you need someone else, someone external to be on your side. To give you advice, to help manoeuvre the way. It can be hard to feel like you’re turning against them. But you’re not. You’re just making the decision to support yourself. Which should be your number one priority. In these professions, you spend all your time thinking about everyone else. In these situations, you need to start to think about yourself.

At Macnabs, our lawyers have experience supporting health care professionals, dentists and social workers faced with regulatory investigation through the SSSC and GMC, and would be happy to advise on your situation.

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